Short term Mobility as part of the V2V project

Mobility of students from Kosovo at the Gospodarska Skola, Cakovec Since 8th of May until the 7th of June 2022 as part of the project V2V – Capacity Building in Western Balkans. Cakovec School hosted four students Floriana Latifaj,Amra Prekazi,Ilirjana Prekadini, Nora Morina accompanied by teachers Bahrija Lushta and Drita Januzi from Diakonia Training Center. Students participated in training for two professions: tailor and hairdresser, and they…

Donation from Adler Management Berlin/Germany

The managing director of the Adler Management Agency (AM), from Brandenburg, Mr. Marco Bünger, has been visiting us with business partners for several years.AM places trainees and nursing specialists in hospitals in Berlin and Brandenburg. Mr. Bünger is a friend and supporter of our work. For each trainee he gives €300 from the placement bonus to Diakonie Kosova to support our work. So we got…

KFOR Soldiers – Cooking

Kfor – Male and Female soldiers get to know Kosovar cuisine. On Monday (04.12.2023) German Soldiers from the Kosovo Force (KFOR), came to our kitchen to cook traditional food. They learned to prepare byrek. There were onions and spinach to cut, dough and the filling to prepare. They all learned amazingly quickly. There was a lot of laughter and at the end we ate together.

Letter to friends, Mitrovica, August 2023

Letter to friends Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends. The political situation/ the security system When could I write “No news from Kosovo?” Here, especially in Mitrovica and in the municipalities of Zveçan, Leposaviç, and Zubin Potok, there have been conflicts and disputes between Belgrade and Pristina/ Serbs and Albanians for years. The Serbian minority in the north does not recognize the Kosovar government; they only…

The protestant military service

For years we have had a very close relationship with the protestant military service.Last year the bishop Dr. Bernhard Felmberg, visited us. They support our Youth Center with more than 30.000,00 € every year. In March we had all protestant military pastors from KFOR (Kosovo Force) as guests in Diakonie. The pastor from Latvia was part of above mention meeting, he was a pastor in…

Friends letter

Friendsletter Dear ladies and gentlemen, dear friends,                                                                       Mitrovica/ May/ 2023 now we had Easter twice, on April 09/10 and on April 16 Orthodox Easter. I got an Easter bunny as a…